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Trousers in green

Discover our exquisite collection of womens petite trousers pants, tailored to fit your frame perfectly. Start with our versatile petite trouser, an essential for any occasion, or explore the chic petite slacks for a sophisticated look. Our petite slacks range also features different styles of womens petite trouser pants like petite wide leg trousers and stretch crop leggings, crafted to enhance both style and comfort. For those looking for specific styles, we offer petite pants for ladies that include petite leather trousers for an edgy touch and petite tailored trousers for a refined appearance. Pair a petite tops or a fitted sweater with black petite tailored trousers for casual office days or enjoy the comfort of petite elasticated waist trousers. Pair your petite elasticated waist trousers with a relaxed-fit tee or a casual jacket for travelling.

9 items

Elastic Waist Stretch Cropped Culotte

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Green Petite Linen Elastic Waist Wide Leg Trouser
Green Petite Stretch Crop Denim Jegging
Green Turn Up Cotton Stretch Shorts
Green Petite Floral Tapered Elastic Waist Trouser
Green Petite Cropped Stretch Trouser
Green Petite Soft Jersey Tapered Trouser
Green Tailored Stretch Shorts
Green Petite Linen Mix Wide Cropped Trousers